
We have one goal!

Development of a fast, easy to use and cost-effective forming simulation for every tool designer.


Here we are:

We are an international software development company with 15 employees in Castelldelfels, Spain and Bietigheim, Germany:


  • We develop powerful, user-friendly and cost-effective simulation software for sheet metal forming using our own finite element solver and a graphical user interface that allows easy access to its functionality.
  • We work purposefully and efficiently on the continuous improvement of our products.
  • In addition, the decades of experience of our tool design team flows into the optimization of the forming simulation with a practice-oriented implementation.
  • Our application-oriented hotline team will assist you with all questions regarding our forming simulation Stampack and Stampack Xpress.



Who are our customers?

Our world-wide customers are sheet metal processing OEMs and suppliers from the automotive, aircraft, household and electrical industries. Especially appreciated are our user-friendly solutions for transfer and progressive dies as well as our unique technology for stretch-bending operations.


The milestones in the company history of Stampack GmbH:
  • 1976: Starting point is the Ph.D. thesis "Plastic flows in metals" by Eugenio Onate
  • 2001: First commercial version of Stampack marketed by Quantech Ltd.
  • 2010: Men at Work GmbH, VISI Reseller in Southwest Germany becomes distributor in Germany with 50 customers  
  • 2018:  Takeover of Stampack, a product from Quantech Ltd. by the newly founded Stampack GmbH. Managing Director: Markus Wagner
  • 2019: Release of the Stampack Xpress product line


Do you have any questions?  Here you can find our contact form.